Section 504MAP

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 mandates that schools have a process in place to prohibit discrimination against students with disabilities and to meet the educational needs of those students as adequately as others.  Pingora Consulting, in collaboration with Educational Advantages, Inc., has developed Section 504MAP, a software tool to simplify, streamline and set your school up for success with Section 504.  Section 504MAP is a comprehensive data system that includes all the necessary tools to maintain compliant district and school Section 504 processes.  The intuitive design of the product systematically guides staff through the important aspects of Section 504 planning.

Key Features:  Section 504MAP

  • Organizes the Section 504 process into a comprehensive Workflow
  • Contains a comprehensive Section 504 Procedure Guide
  • Integrates Section 504 forms that can be electronically stored and printed
  • Manages timelines, and includes electronic reminders
  • Assigns tasks to Section 504 team members
  • Provides robust customized reporting
  • Can be combined with Technical and Content training support
  • Offers integration with student information systems
  • Is web based, allowing for instant access across multiple platforms (desktop, laptop, tablets & phones)
504 Temporary Image

Ready to Purchase? Contact Us Now!

1 + 10 =

Annual Subscription:

  • $1500, which includes 4 licensed users
  • Additional users – Custom pricing

Consider a license for your District’s Section 504 Administrator and each school’s Section 504 Coordinator.

The team at Pingora Consulting does not provide legal advice or representation. We provide technical assistance. Individuals should always consult with an attorney if legal advice is needed.