
Most special education administrators, teachers, and staff would agree: IDEA’s discipline requirements are some of the most difficult aspects of the statute to understand and put into practice. Pingora Consulting’s DisciplineMAP is an online technical assistance tool designed to make sense of these requirements and help school districts avoid litigation and liability by making defensible discipline decisions. Our indispensable web-based platform is optimized for computers, tablets, and iPads, greatly simplifying the discipline process while protecting students’ and parents’ rights under the IDEA.

  • DisciplineMAP Premium is an indispensable front-line tool for school district administrators and teachers.  Developed in collaboration with Educational Advantages, Inc. to bring you a robust discipline case management system, DisciplineMAP Premium focuses on all aspects of special education (and Section 504) discipline, creating and storing student information while expertly guiding users through the complex steps of special education discipline.  Student data is stored on a secure website, is ready to interface with most current student information systems, and can be printed in PDF documents to share with parents.
  • DisciplineMAP Solo is the same great web-based application. It intuitively guides teams through the complicated IDEA discipline no matter the circumstance. DisciplineMAP Solo is completely portable, and can be used on any smartphone!
Pingora Consulting DisciplineMap Screen Shot

Ready to Purchase? Contact Us Now!

4 + 13 =

Annual Subscription – $150 per licensed user, which includes access to DisciplineMAP Solo

Annual Subscription – $100 per licensed user

The team at Pingora Consulting does not provide legal advice or representation. We provide technical assistance. Individuals should always consult with an attorney if legal advice is needed.